
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Dr Guy Moeneclaey headed the flowcytometry and histochemistry lab of the AZN (Belgium) prior to becoming Clinical Development Manager at CellPro NV (Belgium). Leaving CellPro, Guy joined Miltenyi Biotec GmbH (Germany) as Senior Medical Scientific Manager and became the driving force behind the formation of the Medical Development Team, shaping its strategic direction and visibility. Guy joined Nohla as Research Manager, overviewing its Australian Research Activities. Currently, Guy is heading the Cord Blood Expansion program at the Hudson Institute for Medical Research (Monash), focused on enhancing expression of paracrine factors. Guy joined Cell Care in May 2017 as Scientific and Product Development Manager.
Prof Chee Ng completed his medical degree (MBBS), Master of Medicine in Psychiatry and Doctor of Medicine in cross-cultural psychopharmacology at The University of Melbourne. He was awarded Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 1998. He has considerable research experience in psychopharmacology, pharmacogenetics, mood and anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, old age, and cross cultural psychiatry. Psychiatry Journal. He previously led the Asia-Pacific Community Mental Health Development Project involving 18 Asia-Pacific countries. He also served as international mental health consultant for WHO, the Commonwealth of Nations and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and worked on national projects in Asia Pacific countries. He is currently a steering committee member of the APEC Mental Health Digital Hub and President-Elect of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists.
Tania Sorrell is the Director of the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity and Professor of Clinical Infectious Diseases at the University of Sydney, and a Senior Physician in Infectious Diseases at Westmead Hospital. She has longstanding interests in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Infectious Diseases, especially in immune-compromised hosts, and in the emergence of resistant microorganisms. Her research in the serious fungal infection, cryptococcosis, has provided new insights into host-microbial interactions and resulted in a new antifungal drug development program.
Director of endocrinology at Flinders Medical Centre with a conjoint position as professor of medicine at Flinders University, Nikolai Petrosky is also vice-president and secretary-general of the international immunomics society. active in diabetes, endocrinology and vaccine research, he is the founder of Vaxine, a company funded by the US national institutes of health to develop novel vaccine technologies. in 2009 Vaxine won the amp innovation award at the Telstra business awards and Australia’s coolest company award from Australian anthill magazine. Nikolai Petrovsky has developed vaccines against influenza, hepatitis b, sting allergy, malaria, Japanese encephalitis, rabies and HIV, has authored over 90 papers and chapters and is a regular invited speaker at international vaccine conferences.
Professor Marc A Gladman PhD MBBS DFFP MRCOG FRCS (Gen Surg) FRACS is a colorectal surgeon practising exclusively in the management of anorectal, functional bowel and pelvic floor disorders.

He set out on his journey to better understand bowel and pelvic floor dysfunction 20 years ago, by training in gynaecology, urology and colorectal surgery in London and Sydney.

Marc is the Director of The Bowel Clinic, Adelaide where he is committed to preventing, treating and curing bowel problems in Australians. He is recognized as an international expert for his pioneering research that he has conducted into these conditions and for the educational resources that he has delivered to colleagues and sufferers but to his patients he is simply know as The Bowel Doctor.
The scientific arm of The Women and Infants Research Foundation is headed by one of the leading authorities in the prevention of preterm birth, Professor John Newnham AM.

Professor Newnham was appointed as WIRF’s Executive Director in 1996 and since then has spearheaded the Foundation’s diverse research portfolio.

He is a Professor of Obstetrics at The University of Western Australia (UWA) and is a sub-specialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine. He is Head of the UWA School of Women’s and Infants’ Health based at King Edward Memorial Hospital; and Head of the newly defined UWA Division of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

He is also an Adjunct Professor at Peking University, Beijing, and Honorary Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing, China.
Kate is an Addiction Medicine Specialist and Public Health Physician based at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Her work combines treating individuals with alcohol, drug and tobacco problems; promoting the health of communities; and research and teaching. She is joint head of the Centre of Research Excellence in Indigenous Health and Alcohol. She is currently the chair of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Alcohol Working Group, which is charged with reviewing the guidelines to reduce the health risks from drinking alcohol.
Liz Handsley is an experienced academic who has worked at law schools in Sydney, Perth and Adelaide, specialising in constitutional law and media law. She is the President of the Australian Council on Children and the Media and regularly publishes and provides commentary on children’s rights as media users, especially in relation to content classification and advertising regulation.
Dr Raelia Lew was raised in Melbourne and completed her Medical degree at Monash University. She graduated with Honours in 2004, and later trained as a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. Dr Lew completed her Masters of Medicine in Reproductive Health Science and Human Genetics at The University of Sydney in 2009 and PHD in Preconception Health Promotion and Reproductive Genetics in 2016. Dr Lew’s PhD research was commenced at the University of Sydney and completed in Cambridge, UK. Preconception Genetic carrier Screening and applying IVF for the purposes of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis remains as her passion, as helping couples affected by or carrying the risk of genetic disease to have healthy babies is one of the greatest miracles of IVF treatment.
Throughout her career, Michelle has held nursing and midwifery education, senior management and consultant positions in both public and private health facilities in Australia. Michelle has completed post graduate studies in Neonatal Nursing, Midwifery, Master of Nursing (Clinical Leadership) and has been an IBCLC for 14 years. Michelle is a BFHI assessor as well as a board director for Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ). Michelle is passionate about supporting staff to care for babies and families and her current position is that of Clinical Midwife Consultant, Postnatal and Infant Feeding, Western Sydney Local Health District