
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Dr Ben Wellings is an expert on Brexit and the politics of nationalism and Euroscepticism in contemporary Europe. His current research focuses on the relationship of nationalism in contemporary England to Brexit and the Anglosphere.
Professor Bennett has a distinguished career in public health practice, research, academic governance and teaching. Catherine joined Deakin in 2009 after more than eight years with the University of Melbourne as Associate Professor in Epidemiology, Deputy Chair of the Academic Programs Committee in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, and Director of Population Health Practice in the Melbourne School of Population Health. Prior to that, Catherine worked with the New South Wales and Victorian State Governments in a variety of senior positions, including Olympic Public Health Coordinator for Northern Sydney. Catherine is also founding Chair and President of the Council of Academic Public Health Institutions Australia.
Peter Brukner OAM, MBBS, FACSP, FACSM, FASMF, FFSEM is a medical doctor and specialist sports and exercise medicine physician. Peter is a world renowned sports medicine clinician and researcher. He was the founding partner at the Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre in Melbourne, and is the co-author of the ‘bible’ of sports medicine Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine.
Peter believes that most of what we have been told about what to eat over the last 40 years has been wrong, and as a result we have epidemics of obesity and chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. Peter is the Founder and Chair of the SugarByHalf campaign and has authored the popular book A Fat Lot of Good.
Dr Rose Cairns is a Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy, The University of Sydney. She has a clinical role as Senior Poisons Specialist (Research and Audit) at the New South Wales Poisons Information Centre, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Her research interests include clinical toxicology, pharmacovigilance, toxicovigilance, severe adverse drug reactions, pharmaceutical misuse, medicines policy, and deliberate self-poisoning (self-harm overdose). Her overall goal is to reduce harm from poisoning.
Professor Adam Jaffé is a Paediatric Respiratory Consultant at Sydney Children’s Hospital and the John Beveridge Professor and Head of Paediatrics at the University of New South Wales. He trained in London and in Sydney and was consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children for 5 years before returning to Sydney. He specializes in children who have chest problems such as cough, asthma, chest infections and rare lung diseases. He has published over 100 research papers on children with lung disease. He is chairman of the NSW Department of Health, Aiming for Asthma Improvement in Children Program. His patients have access to one of the best respiratory diagnostic laboratories in the world at Sydney Children’s Hospital. He is an acknowledged expert in flexible bronchoscopy.
Dr David Horgan (now retired) was recently a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, with high ratings for his lectures to medical students, to other psychiatrists, and to Healthed audiences. He was known as a “last resort” psychiatrist treating depression and high suicide risk. He remains heavily involved in a charity which he founded, the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation. He initiated the award-winning App “Prevent A Suicide: What to Say” to empower family, friends and colleagues when a person mentions wishing to be dead. He is keen to teach highly practical clinical tips in suicide prevention and he is no longer registered as a practising psychiatrist.