
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Professor Raina MacIntyre (MBBS Hons 1, FRACP, FAFPHM, M App Epid, PhD) is NHMRC Principal Research Fellow and Professor of Global Biosecurity. She heads the Biosecurity Program at the Kirby Institute, which conducts research in epidemiology, vaccinology, bioterrorism prevention, mathematical modelling, genetic epidemiology, public health and clinical trials in infectious diseases. Her research is underpinned by her clinical training, vaccine program experience and extensive field outbreak investigation experience.
Dr Manal Mohammed is a Senior Lecturer of Medical Microbiology at University of Westminster. Manal’s research and teaching focus on infectious diseases, their diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

Dr Mohammed obtained her PhD in Medical Microbiology from University of Liverpool, UK. Manal’s research interests include application of next generation sequencing technologies and associated bioinformatics analyses tools in investigating the molecular basis of virulence of non typhoidal salmonellosis in humans and understanding the complex dynamics of bacteria-phage interaction.

Manal is very passionate about science and science communication. She has been interviewed by BBC Radio London, Daily Mail and BBC News podcast ‘Victoria Derbyshire’. Manal also had the opportunity to present her research work at UK Parliament:
Robyn Saw is an Associate Professor in Surgery at The University of Sydney. She is a Surgical Oncologist with MIA and also a General Surgeon at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. Robyn has a specific interest in the surgical management of melanoma and other skin cancers.
Cardiovascular Imaging Specialist; Director, Cardiovascular Trials WA Inc.
Prof Milton Cohen is a specialist pain medicine physician and rheumatologist on the St Vincent’s Sydney Campus. Dr Cohen has been a leader in the development of pain medicine as a discipline. His interests are broad and include issues in pain theory and practice, rational pharmacotherapy for pain and implications of persistent pain for public policy.
Dr Jason Abbott is Professor of Gynaecological Surgery at the UNSW and is the chair of the Expert Endometriosis Group for RANZCOG. He is an Associate Editor for ANZJOG and the Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynaecology and has more than 140 publications including textbooks, book chapters and large-scale RCTs in gynaecological surgery. Prof Abbott has an active role in undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral supervision and is the former Chairman of the Practice Committee of the AAGL charged with delivering evidence-based guidelines for surgical gynaecology.