
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Dr Kate McIlwaine completed her Obstetrics & Gynaecology training through Monash and has a Fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery from the Mercy Hospital for Women. She holds a Masters in Reproductive Medicine from the University of New South Wales. Kate’s special interests include minimally invasive surgery for the diagnosis and management of endometriosis and related conditions, infertility and menstrual management. Kate consults at Genea Fertility in Heidelberg and Eastern Gynaecology in Mitcham. She is a VMO Gynaecologist at various private hospitals including St Vincent’s Private, Warringal and Mitcham Private. Kate also holds a public appointment as a Consultant Gynaecologist on the Endosurgery Unit at the Mercy Hospital for Women in Heidelberg.
Dr Savoia is a consultant Haematologist and Transfusion Medicine Specialist at the Royal Children’s and Royal Women’s Hospitals in Melbourne and has been practicing in the area of pregnancy-related haematology since the late 1990s.
Helen is currently Director of Laboratory Services which contributes to the provision of clinical and laboratory haematology and transfusion services to the Royal Children’s and Royal Women’s Hospitals.
Helen is an Honorary Fellow in the Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, completed her undergraduate medical degree at the University of Melbourne and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.
Dr Lyndon Hale has been the Medical Director at Melbourne IVF since 2008. He brings extensive experience in assisted reproduction treatments to the care of his patients and is highly regarded for both his knowledge and proactive approach. As an experienced specialist, Dr Hale is also responsible for training new doctors in the field of fertility.
Dr Jill Cargnello completed her medical degree and dermatology training in Melbourne and then spent two years in London where she worked at St Bartholomew’s hospital as a consultant dermatologist and a senior lecturer in dermatology. She has private rooms in Malvern East where she sees patients for all aspects of general dermatology, including skin cancer management, acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, pigmentation disorders, hyperhidrosis, hair loss, paediatric and adolescent dermatology. She also has expertise in using vascular, sublative and pigmented lasers. In addition, Jill consults at the Austin Repat Medical Centre and the Skin and Cancer Foundation. Jill enjoys the challenges of all aspects of Dermatology, but she has particular interest and expertise in managing hair disorders, skin cancer, acne and the ageing process.
David has been a GP in Newtown for over 30 years and has interests in under and post graduate medical education and also a specific interest in the management of Type 2 Diabetes. He remains as a doctor at Church Street Medical Practice and also works at the Centre for Gastrointestinal Health in Castle Hill.
Prior to full retirement in 2016, Dr Christine Read was for more than twenty years a family doctor in Manly, NSW and later a sexual health physician and Medical Director of Family Planning, NSW. Now a practising artist in Lennox Head NSW
Dr Karen Mizia is an Obstetrician Gynecologist and a recognised subspecialist in Obstetric and Gynaecological Ultrasound. She is actively involved in the advancement, development of standards and, education in O&G ultrasound. She currently holds the position as Chair of the NSW Training Committee for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrician Gynaecologists.
Rosalie is the Program Manager for eSafetyWomen with the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. Established in July 2015, the Office administers a new cyberbullying complaints scheme and provides a substantive range of information and resources to empower all Australians to enjoy the benefits of being online whilst staying safe. Her recent focus has been on the development of resources to assist women targeted by technology-facilitated abuse and Digital Literacy for Older Australians.
Dr Jane Elliott AM has been a general practitioner in Adelaide for many years, with a special career interest in women’s health, including menopause and premature menopause. She is a clinical senior lecturer in the Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Adelaide and teaches medical students and GPs. She has been an investigator in clinical research trials in many areas of women’s health including menopause, contraception, osteoporosis and low libido. She currently consults at AWARE Women’s Health. Jane is a Past President of the Australasian Menopause Society and is a member of Healthy Bones Australia National Consumer and Community Advisory Committee.
Dr Chris Seton is a Paediatric & Adolescent Sleep Physician in Sydney. He helped establish Australia’s first Paediatric Sleep Investigation Unit at Children’s Hospital Camperdown and works there as a Staff Specialist in Sleep Medicine. He has sleep clinics for babies, children & teenagers at The Woolcock Institute of Medical Research in Glebe an Interdisciplinary Paediatric & Adolescent sleep service. In 2016, Chris developed SleepShack, the world’s first online sleep diagnostic & treatment program, for sleep deprived tweens & teens (