
Healthed work with a team of general practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the highest quality education​

Professor, University of Sydney, Clinical Ophthalmology & Eye Health, Westmead Clinical School; Director, Centre for Vision Research, Westmead Institute of Medical Research
Prof Greg King is a clinician-researcher at the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Sydney University and Department of Respiratory Medicine at the Royal North Shore Hospital.

He is Conjoint Professor of Respiratory Medicine of the Northern Clinical School, Sydney University and Medical Director of the Respiratory Investigation Unit.

His expertise includes complex measurements of airway and lung function, including the forced oscillation technique, multiple breath nitrogen washout and 3-dimensional ventilation imaging and CT imaging.

He currently supervises 3 PhD students and has supervised 22 students to completion, and Postdoctoral Fellows from science and medical backgrounds.

He has a clinical and research interest in asthma, COPD and bronchiolitis in haemopoietic stem cell transplant recipients.
A/Prof d’Emden is the Director of Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. Michael was involved in the development of the Electronic Health Record used by Qld Health and the development of Australian Insulin In-patient management chart.
Dr Jon-Paul is a Psychiatrist in full-time private practice and is the co-owner and Director of the Toowong Specialist Clinic in Brisbane – a large, purpose-built, metropolitan psychiatric practice including a research facility, a novel advanced training program in private practice psychiatry and 20 consulting psychiatrists. His professional interests include mood disorders, the management of complex mood disorders, psychopharmacology, phenomenology, psychiatric epidemiology, public health and teaching.
Dr Andrew ScroopMB BS FRACPRespiratory PhysicianDr Andrew Scroop is an Adelaide trained Respiratory Physician. He completed his advanced training in 1997, this included experience in Intensive Care and Infectious Diseases.Dr Scroop has held staff specialists positions at Flinders Medical Centre, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital.Dr Scroop is the founding Director of Respiratory Consultants located in the St Andrews Medical Centre on South Terrace Adelaide. His practice includes detailed lung function testing, bronchoscopy and pleural procedures at St Andrews Hospital.Dr Andrew Scroop has particular interests in chronic cough, bronchiectasis and COPD, and sees a broad range of respiratory illness in his private practice.His nonmedical interests are downhill mountain biking, near his home in Belair, and his two sons’ school and club soccer.
Dr Sonia Davison MBBS FRACP PhD, is an Endocrinologist with a special interest in Women’s Health, and has worked in this field for over 20 years. She is a Clinical Fellow at Jean Hailes for Women’s Health and has worked at the Women’s Health Research Program, Monash University, Victoria, Australia. Sonia is in private practice at the Melbourne Endocrine Clinic, Malvern, and at Jean Hailes for Women’s Health. Her PhD and postdoctoral research examined hormones in women, including measurement of androgens and their relationships with age, mood, sexual function and cognition. Sonia is Past President of the Australasian Menopause Society and former editor of its newsletter, ‘Changes’. She is a current Board member of the Asia Pacific Menopause Federation. Sonia has published widely in the field of women’s health, and has presented at women’s health conferences, scientific meetings, podcasts, webinars, and community seminars. She has frequently been invited to appear in the media, including the TV show, “The Truth about Menopause”, featuring Myf Warhurst.
Dr Wainstein is a paediatric immunologist and allergist. He is a staff specialist at Sydney Children’s Hospital and in private practice in Bondi Junction, Sydney. Dr Wainstein completed his medical degree in South Africa in 1996 and migrated to Australia in 1999. Following 3 years of basic training in paediatrics Dr Wainstein then undertook a further 3 years of specialist training as an allergist and immunologist at Sydney Children’s Hospital. Dr Wainstein was admitted to fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) in 2005. Dr Wainstein has extensive experience caring for children with disorders of the immune system including allergies to foods, drugs and venoms, anaphylaxis, hives, eczema, hayfever, asthma, immunodeficiency, recurrent fever syndromes and many others. His main research interests are in the area of food allergy and anaphylaxis. In 2010 Dr Wainstein completed a PhD from UNSW on the diagnosis and prediction of peanut anaphylaxis and he has authored or co-authored over 20 peer reviewed articles on various topics. He is actively involved in several national, collaborative and international research studies including cutting edge studies on immunotherapy for food allergies. In addition he is a member of the data safety monitoring board (DSMB) for several Melbourne based food oral immunotherapy studies. He also enjoys providing teaching to medical trainees, general practitioners, paediatricians and the general public. Dr Wainstein is a Senior Conjoint Lecturer at UNSW, the past Chair of the Medical Advisory Board of Allergy and Anaphylaxis Australia (A&AA) and current President of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA). He has served as the paediatric representative on the Immunology and Allergy Joint Specialist Advisory Committee (JSAC) of the RACP. Dr Wainstein is also a member of the steering committee for the National Allergy Strategy (NAS) and is co-chair of the NAS Care Working Group. He is a past co-investigator on the NHMRC funded Centre for Food Allergy Research (CFAR) and co-founder and investigator on the Sydney Paediatric and Adult Allergy Network (SPAAN).