Steven, Faux

Prof Steven Faux AM

Rehabilitation and Pain Physician; Conjoint Professor, St Vincent’s Clinical School, University of New South Wales; Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney
Dr Faux is the Director at the Rehabilitation Unit at St Vincent’s Public Hospital, who specialises in pain management and general rehabilitation. He has appointments at: St Vincents Campus Prince of Wales Private Griffith Base Hospital, NSW Currently a Senior lecturer in Clinical Medicine at the University of New South Wales, his research interests are in the management of spasticity, trauma management and stroke rehabilitation. Doctors refer patients to him with the following conditions: Arthritis Strokes Back and neck pain Joint replacements Fractures Difficulties with walking Self-care Incontinence MBBS BA FRACGP FAFRM (RACP) FFPMANZCA GAICD

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In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview Prof Steven Faux AM as they discuss rehabilitation, prevention of symptoms, and how healthcare professionals can together provide improved patient outcomes.

In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview Prof Steven Faux AM as they establish the definition of Long COVID, it's symptoms, tips for investigations and appropriate referral pathways.

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In this podcast, listen to Dr David Lim interview Prof Steven Faux AM as they discuss rehabilitation, prevention of symptoms, and how healthcare professionals can together provide improved patient outcomes.

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