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Sophia Auld

Medical Writer

More from this expert

More than 1 in 4 survivors have been strangled – here’s how to recognise and manage it in GP

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Skin cancer affects about one in two Australians––and not just fair-skinned, blue-eyed blonds, outdoor workers or people with a family history—says Associate Professor Robyn Saw, Head of the Melanoma and Surgical Oncology Department at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Surgical Oncologist with Melanoma institute Australia.

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What other causes need to be considered, and what management options are available…

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How to tell the difference between allergic rhinitis and other conditions with similar symptoms...

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Telehealth company InstantScripts has just launched a Menopause and Perimenopause Blood Test, the latest in its stable of $20 pathology tests for conditions ranging from erectile dysfunction to IBS. 

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What recently updated guidelines and changes to the PBS-listing for an important osteoanabolic agent mean for patients and GPs...

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When to suspect, how to assess, why it’s worth actively managing…

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How the advent of effective obesity drugs could change how we manage OSA – and what it means for CPAP…

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The psychological impact can be massive - experts advise on how to detect and manage to reduce its harms...

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Overlapping symptoms can make it hard to distinguish between depression and dementia, and the two can co-occur, further complicating assessment.  

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New PBS-listings, rebates and clinics - experts discuss the implications for GPs and women...

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In a strange paradox, neglected tropical disease Buruli ulcer is on the rise in the distinctly non-tropical state of Victoria.

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