Untangling the Weird, Wired Web of Gaming Disorder and its Classification

Prof Wayne Warburton


Prof Wayne Warburton

Registered Psychologist; Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology, Macquarie University

Dr Philip Tam


Dr Philip Tam

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This article outlines the research findings about the impact of playing online video games and advises on healthy video game use.

Written by Dr Wayne Warburton, BPsych Hons(1) (Macq), PhD (Macq), MAPS (Aus), MAPS (US), FISRA and Dr Philip Tam, MA(Cantab), MBBS (Lond), FRANZCP, Cert. Child Psych

Dr Wayne Warburton is an Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology at Macquarie University, and is also a registered psychologist. He has a strong research interest in the fields of aggressive behaviour, media psychology and parenting. Wayne has published widely on topics around human aggression and the impact of violent and prosocial media.

Dr Philip Tam is a Sydney-based private child psychiatrist, researcher and lecturer. Having initially worked in the public sector across both community and in-patient units, he
has been in private practice from 2017. He contributes to national and international research and debate on the complex topic of internet-overuse in young people and regularly comments on the topic in the media, as well as educating the general community.

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Prof Wayne Warburton


Prof Wayne Warburton

Registered Psychologist; Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology, Macquarie University

Dr Philip Tam


Dr Philip Tam

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