Clinical Takeaway

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Dr Anup Desai

How to interpret a sleep study more effectively, why you should not skip the sleep physician's conclusions, and how to understand the graphs and hypnograms

Expert/s: Dr Anup Desai
Dr Jerome Melon

Those experiencing severe symptoms have a range of non-mesh surgical options, and all these options must be offered to the patients who need to intensify their treatment

Dr Anup Desai

A structured approach to assessing sleep disorders in primary care, and how taking a good sleep history is crucial

Expert/s: Dr Anup Desai
Prof Bruce Robinson

How do you manage a single or multiple hot or cold nodules in the thyroid, which test should you do and when and when to refer and to whom?

Joyce McSwan

What are yellow flags for back pain?, knowing these and practising mindful therapeutics can help mitigate the risk of progression of acute pain to chronic pain, and how chronic pain is a disease in its own right

Expert/s: Joyce McSwan
Dr Sheila Sivam

Narcolepsy is severely disruptive. It often presents with several co-morbid conditions that may be mistaken for the major condition, and half the patients with narcolepsy are undiagnosed

Prof Creswell Eastman AO

How can GP’s better support & manage their thyroid patients? How to achieve the optimal dose, overcoming barriers to patient compliance, and how often should we do blood tests/monitoring?

Dr Yu Hwee Tan

The incidence of OAB is greater in women and as one ages - It’s common-affecting 20-30% of women. Dr Yu Hwee discusses assessment and management

Expert/s: Dr Yu Hwee Tan
A/Prof Roderick Clifton-Bligh

Useful management tips for Grave’s disease (GD) and Hashimotos’ thyroiditis (HT), how to manage a pregnant woman with GD or Hypothyroidism. When does a patient with HT require lifelong thyroxine replacement therapy

Prof Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich

The availability of SABAs over-the-counter means that GPs and local pharmacists need to communicate more, and an overview of current management

Dr Deb Mills

How getting bitten by a mammal whilst on holidays will not only ruin the holiday, but can be fatal if the right post exposure care is delayed or not given correctly

Expert/s: Dr Deb Mills
Dr Michael Eller

A majority of patients with headaches that don't go away have migraines - Practical advice on assessment & management