Clinical Takeaway

Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD.

Dr Charlotte Hespe

What do you know about it and how are you preparing for it? Understand why these changes happened and how will the college help us with this new annual CPD program

Dr Deb Mills

Patients who are going onto long term immunosuppressives (such as TNF inhibitors) and wish to travel to high-risk countries should have live vaccines BEFORE commencing such treatment

Expert/s: Dr Deb Mills
A/Prof Jason Ong

Recent changes have made prescribing PrEP by any GP on the PBS without the need for special training. HIV positive people without a Medicare Card can now receive free retroviral treatment and monitoring

Prof Bruce Robinson

When looking for thyroid diseases, listen to the patient as the answer is often in the history - the tests and imaging are adjuncts. Confirm your clinical suspicions with appropriate investigations.

Prof Leigh Delbridge

Minimally invasive surgery has become the recommended treatment - where the surgery is done and by whom is critically important for the 10% of cases that are difficult. Do a serum calcium and PTH for patients with unspecific neurocognitive, neuromuscular and renolithiasis or low BMD

Dr Anup Desai

Become familiar with breathing disorders that are not obstructive sleep apnoea and non-respiratory sleep disorders. Learn how to take a sleep history and how to structure our approach to the sleepy patient

Expert/s: Dr Anup Desai
Prof Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich

It is essential to exclude patient barriers such as technique and adherence before concluding that the medication regime needs to be intensified. GPs are best placed to work through the complex issues with our patients

Prof Richard Harvey

Tips and practical aids for more effective investigation, diagnosis and management

A/Prof Peter van Wijngaarden

The link between diabetes and eye disease and the need for regular screening - adopt the risk-based approach and manage identified risks supporting the patients along their treatment journey via a team-based approach.

Dr Bronwyn Jenkins

Some of these myths significantly impact on quality of care and potential for a positive management outcome. Patients are not the only source of migraine myths - there are several that medical professionals perpetuate

Prof Robert McLachlan AM

A high index of suspicion helps when looking out for androgen deficiency in younger males. Half of all patients with Klinefelter Syndrome remain undiagnosed

Dr Florence Chang

Patients presenting with involuntary movements across joints with a positive family history of Huntington's Disease require early referral to a Huntington’s Disease Clinic and those with no family history to a movement disorder neurologist.