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Expert Panel Facilitated by Dr Terri Foran, Panelist: Dr Sonia Davison, Prof Rod Baber, and Dr Sara Whitburn

‘Brains-trust’ in the management of menopause and will take you through the management of menopause looking to the past, present and future.

Dr Renee Eslick

How the significance of iron deficiency is often not appreciated by patients which is why a dietary approach is frequently unsuccessful.

A/Prof Nigel Crawford

Practical understanding of the risk-benefit considerations as well as an update on AZ clots and bleeds.

Prof John Newnham AM

Professor John Newnham will discuss the significance of recent research regarding the importance of maintaining pregnancies till 39 weeks will be counterpoised against a recent tendency towards elective early birth.

Prof Helen Marshall

Why there aren't many diseases that cause as much fear among both the general public and medical practitioners as meningitis

A/Prof Louise Hull

Endometriosis can be a challenging condition - not only for the affected woman but also for the primary care clinician trying to treat it

A/Prof Nicholas Wood

The recent outbreaks and clusters in Australia primarily due to the Delta variant.

Prof Peter McCluskey AO

Herpes zoster affecting the eye not only causes severe pain, but can be associated with significant long-term sequelae

Dr Brynn Wainstein

Dr Wainstein will cover the definition, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis. The common causes and epidemiology of anaphylaxis and anaphylaxis related fatalities will be discussed.

Dr Darren Katz

Dr Katz, will provide general practitioners with information to support the diagnosis and management of benign prostatic enlargement.

Expert/s: Dr Darren Katz
Prof Kristine Macartney

Prof Macartney will explain the safety data on the use of COVID vaccines in pregnant and breastfeeding women. This data has been collected from around the world and how it will be applied in Australia will be explained.

Joyce McSwan

Joyce McSwan explains that LBP is one of the leading causes of diminished quality of life and disability worldwide.  In primary healthcare, it is one of the most common presenting ailments.

Expert/s: Joyce McSwan