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Prof Andrew Sindone

Prof Andrew Sindone explains that, diet, fluid restriction and exercise are just some of the areas that need addressing when managing heart failure patients according to best practice guidelines.

Dr Nomvuyo Mothobi

Dr Nomvuyo Mothobi brings us up to date on the current state of play of cervical screening in Australia.

Prof Finlay Macrae AO

Prof Finlay Macrae provides an update on the guidelines recommended for diagnosing coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity.

Dr Rupert Hinds

Dr Rupert Hinds details the prevalence and presentations of iron deficiency in children.

Prof Dave Singh

Prof Dave Singh highlights the key changes that have occurred with regard to COPD from a clinical perspective.

Prof Andrew Sindone

Prof Andrew Sindone outlines the latest advances in the pharmacological management of heart failure.

Prof Andrew Sindone

Prof Andrew Sindone discusses when clinicians should suspect this very common but under-recognised condition.

A/Prof Michael Woodward AM

A/Prof Michael Woodward AM outlines the challenges associated with getting older people optimally protected.

Dr Ginni Mansberg

Dr Ginni Mansberg explains transdermal testosterone treatment which is now available in Australia.

Dr Shannon Thomas

Dr Shannon Thomas explains that the key to better health outcomes is suspecting the condition, investigating early and knowing when and how to treat.

Dr Rupert Hinds

Dr Rupert Hinds explains the management of common functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants

A/Prof Alex Polyakov

A/Prof Alex Polyakov explores the various symptoms associated with fibroids.