
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD.

Dr Jessica Tattersall

Latest evidence and understanding about rhinitis- framework on how to assess, investigate and manage this condition.

Prof Deborah Bateson

Differences between the various oral contraceptive preparations- evidence-based approach to both the pros and cons of oral contraceptive pill use.

Cindy Davenport

Unsettled infant behaviour is very common during the first few months after birth- common tips, strategies and practical ways to aid parents with their infant's sleep challenges.

Prof Christine Jenkins

Practical advice for GPs wanting to translate the latest asthma management guidelines into effective and realistic clinical practice.

Prof Andrew Sindone

Detecting atrial fibrillation and commencing anticoagulation- latest evidence of the incidence and prevalence of both AF and stroke, why the vast majority of AF patients can safely be put on preventive therapy to optimise their chances of a stroke-free future.

A/Prof John Litt AM

An overview on the zostavax vaccine uptake in Australia, the recombinant zoster vaccine, and the burden of morbidity.

Prof Sean Hood

How to manage the initial stages, when to transition from talk therapy to medication, how to initiate and manage medication regimes and what to do when first-line medications don’t seem to be working.

Expert/s: Prof Sean Hood
Prof Andrew Sindone

The impact of aortic stenosis, even when NOT severe, is underestimated- Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) has revolutionised treatment and recent changes to reimbursement mean that it is even more available.

Dr Ronald Castelino

Inappropriate DOAC dosing is a common problem- recognise which patients require reduced dosage, what GPs can do to optimise the dosage in view of the specific clinical characteristics of each patient.

Prof Wayne Warburton

Evidence about the impact of digital technologies and entertainment such as computer games on the behaviour and wellbeing of children.

A/Prof Warren Ward

Eating disorders are increasingly common and GPs are often the first professional to see clinical warning signs and often the first professional that a patient or relative seeks help from.

Prof Michael Boyer AM

Lung cancer is the leading cause (19%) of cancer deaths in Australia, and 15% occur in non-smokers.