Paediatric Podcast

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Prof Nigel Crawford

In today’s podcast, Prof Nigel Crawford discusses whooping cough symptoms, complications, and the importance of vaccination, especially for pregnant women.

Dr Andrew Leech

Dr Andrew Leech explores how anxiety affects school attendance in primary school children, covering separation anxiety, bullying, online gaming addiction, and key strategies for support in primary care.

Prof Anne Chang

In today's podcast, Prof Anne Chang discusses chronic wet cough in children, investigation, treatment and underlying immune deficiencies.

Dr James Best

Dr James Best discusses supporting an autistic child in primary care which involves a holistic, individualised and family-centred approach where healthcare professionals play a pivotal role.

Expert/s: Dr James Best
Dr Michaela Baulderstone

Dr Michaela Baulderstone discusses constipation in children, including behavioural impacts, tips for investigations, management and promoting positive behaviour support.

Dr Chris Wever

Join Dr Tim Jones as he interviews leading experts to discuss paediatric health and supporting young patients.

Expert/s: Dr Chris Wever
Prof Sonia Grover

Join Dr Tim Jones as he interviews leading experts to discuss paediatric health and supporting young patients.

A/Prof Daryl Cheng

Welcome to the Paediatric podcast! Join Dr Tim Jones as he interviews leading experts to discuss paediatric health and supporting young patients. Listen to high-quality clinical advice that will positively change the way you practice and earn CPD with every Healthed podcast!