
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Dr Alexander Sweetman

There is a massive magnitude of people suffering from insomnia. It’s important to talk about insomnia and manage it well

Dr Marita Long

The questions answered in this podcast were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

Expert/s: Dr Marita Long
Prof Adrian Esterman

Molnupiravir is still effective and protecting your most vulnerable patients

Prof Bandana Saini

Insomnia and sleep disorders are quite common and have a range of medications available

Prof Rod Baber

Why using adequate progestogen is critical for the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia in women on MHT who have a uterus

Expert/s: Prof Rod Baber
Dr Josephine Braid

Burnout is common. The 5 features that are commonly seen in people with burnout include exhaustion, reduced productivity, cynicism, cognitive dysfunction, and insularity

Dr Henry Badgery

Defining, then excluding areas that have no answer- keeping an eye out for the medium to longer term future possibilities and dangers.

Dr Rachael Sharman

About 50% of your patients, mostly the younger ones, would have looked up their health problem before seeing you- how can a GP work with this person on that journey.

Dr Michael Hii

Obesity is the disease of our generation- managing obesity and the complications of obesity to suit each individual patient's requirements and needs.

Expert/s: Dr Michael Hii
Clinical A/Prof Pradeep Jayasuriya

When to suspect iron deficiency as the diagnosis- the current recommendations in the treatment of iron deficiency.

Dr Gary Grohmann

Vaccine-related injury, long COVID, more on boosters.

Dr Cher McGillivray

Normalise the conversation about moral injury- Emotional Intelligence is important to be able to verbalise.