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Dr Terri Foran

Managing irregular bleeding on the pill, IUDs and implants, the pill and reduced libido, side effects of pills, extended use and when to investigate further

Prof Michael Toole AM

The 4th wave, booster advice, Christmas forecasting - will the current wave be over soon?, the scale and impact of the anticipated long COVID crisis

Joyce McSwan

How 97% of telehealth has been conducted via the phone. Is this the best way of "doing" telemedicine? Challenging health professionals to consider stepping up to video telehealth to enable and augment the digital care experience

Expert/s: Joyce McSwan
Prof Michael Toole AM

Entering a new wave driven by a soup of Omicron sub-variants, where more than 5 million Australians eligible for boosters have not received them, and how we must encourage patients to get their boosters, with the bivalent vaccines being more effective

Prof Nicholas Zwar

How Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is common and causes QOL issues, increases morbidity and risks for CVD, heart failure, CKD and accidents. How the pathways to diagnosis and treatment are complex and muddied by commercial interests

Dr Manuela Toledo

The common causes of male and female subfertility, when to refer for investigation of possible subfertility, useful investigations to undertake prior to a specialist referral, and whether supplements might be useful

Ann Kirkness

How GPs are way too busy to address all the issues after a patient’s life changing cardiac event, and how we ought to recommend a patient’s enrolment to this currently under-utilised service and resource

Expert/s: Ann Kirkness
Prof Paul Griffin

The new COVID wave comprising of BQ1, XBB and other variants, and what our frontline response should look like, whether a fifth booster is worth having, children's vaccination developments and an update on the antivirals

Prof Vanessa McDonald

How a lifetime cumulative dose of oral corticosteroids greater than 1gm is associated with significantly increased side effects that include infections, DVTs and cardiovascular disease (apart from skeletal ones)

Dr Anup Desai

The role of the sleep psychologist, Insomnia - learn how to take a detailed history and how this can lead us toward a nuanced diagnosis, and therefore a more appropriate management plan. Additionally, how CBT is the first line treatment for insomnia, and it is far more than sleep hygiene

A/Prof James Trauer

How resources are being diverted to COVID-19, and how they have been affecting Tuberculosis resources, knowing when to suspect and diagnose active Tuberculosis and how to manage the patient

Prof Leigh Delbridge

How clarifying the Bethesda grading system of thyroid biopsy results can help to minimise unnecessary thyroid biopsies and thyroid surgery, and a handy structured approach and explanation of the newer ultrasound classification system