
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Prof Tony Cunningham AO

Which immunocompromised patients should be given the recombinant (Shingrix) vs the inactivated (Zostavax)- different approaches to vaccination choice.

Prof Rod Baber

Menopausal hormone therapy is an effective way to control menopausal symptoms- key indications and contraindications for the use of MHT, the overall benefits and risks, how to prescribe MHT for a variety of women, long term follow up.

Expert/s: Prof Rod Baber
A/Prof Gary Leong

How to ensure young patients get identified and treated early- demonstrate 'how to make your life as a general practitioner easy' when it comes to managing growth disorders in primary care.

Dr Hugh Allen

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological management strategies for sleep disturbance in young people with autism, and the implications of sleep disturbance for young people with autism and their families

Expert/s: Dr Hugh Allen
Dr Charlotte Hespe

What do you know about it and how are you preparing for it? Understand why these changes happened and how will the college help us with this new annual CPD program

Dr Deb Mills

Patients who are going onto long term immunosuppressives (such as TNF inhibitors) and wish to travel to high-risk countries should have live vaccines BEFORE commencing such treatment

Expert/s: Dr Deb Mills
A/Prof Jason Ong

Recent changes have made prescribing PrEP by any GP on the PBS without the need for special training. HIV positive people without a Medicare Card can now receive free retroviral treatment and monitoring

Dr Rupert Hinds

The recommended treatment of constipation in children of various ages, will a change of formula help? And which stool softeners are recommended in infants and toddlers with constipation

Prof Michael Toole AM

Trends of new cases, hospitalisations and deaths- mask mandates will help but the political leaders don’t want to do it.

Prof Henry Woo

Up-to-date and evidence-based advice to post radical prostatectomy patients- managing their expectations, effective therapies and realistic time-frames for recovery, latest information on androgen deprivation therapy.

Expert/s: Prof Henry Woo
Dr Jessica Tattersall

Latest evidence and understanding about rhinitis- framework on how to assess, investigate and manage this condition.

Prof Deborah Bateson

Differences between the various oral contraceptive preparations- evidence-based approach to both the pros and cons of oral contraceptive pill use.