
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Prof Sean Hood

How to manage the initial stages, when to transition from talk therapy to medication, how to initiate and manage medication regimes and what to do when first-line medications don’t seem to be working.

Expert/s: Prof Sean Hood
Prof Andrew Sindone

The impact of aortic stenosis, even when NOT severe, is underestimated- Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) has revolutionised treatment and recent changes to reimbursement mean that it is even more available.

Prof Paul Griffin

A high index of suspicion based on vaccination status, travel and exposure history will help raise a red flag- GPs are once again at the forefront of identifying, treating and ensuring that we commence the appropriate public health interventions.

Prof Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich

It is essential to exclude patient barriers such as technique and adherence before concluding that the medication regime needs to be intensified. GPs are best placed to work through the complex issues with our patients

Prof Richard Harvey

Tips and practical aids for more effective investigation, diagnosis and management

Dr Ronald Castelino

Inappropriate DOAC dosing is a common problem- recognise which patients require reduced dosage, what GPs can do to optimise the dosage in view of the specific clinical characteristics of each patient.

A/Prof Peter van Wijngaarden

The link between diabetes and eye disease and the need for regular screening - adopt the risk-based approach and manage identified risks supporting the patients along their treatment journey via a team-based approach.

Dr Bronwyn Jenkins

Some of these myths significantly impact on quality of care and potential for a positive management outcome. Patients are not the only source of migraine myths - there are several that medical professionals perpetuate

Prof Robert McLachlan AM

A high index of suspicion helps when looking out for androgen deficiency in younger males. Half of all patients with Klinefelter Syndrome remain undiagnosed

Adj. Prof Brent Richards

COVID-19 is now endemic, constantly changing and evolving. The health system is under rising pressure at all points, and therefore a concerted approach to prevent and minimize disease is increasingly needed

Prof Wayne Warburton

Evidence about the impact of digital technologies and entertainment such as computer games on the behaviour and wellbeing of children.

A/Prof Warren Ward

Eating disorders are increasingly common and GPs are often the first professional to see clinical warning signs and often the first professional that a patient or relative seeks help from.