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Najma Moumin

What we are doing well in Australia with regard to infant and toddler nutrition. Where we may be able to improve the diets of our youngest Australians, particularly with regard to iron intake

Expert/s: Najma Moumin
Dr Ryan De Cruz

Dr Ryan De Cruz explains the role of a topical gel fixed-dose combination medication of clindamycin and tretinoin for the treatment of acne vulgaris.

Christine Cockburn

Most common cancers are becoming differentiated into to progressively smaller subgroups resulting in many being classed as rare cancers - this fine tuning allows for personalised care and targeted therapies

A/Prof Nicholas Wood

Current burden and variants, long COVID and vaccines, and COVID vaccine boosters - effectiveness and safety and the need for a 4th dose

Prof Alta Schutte

Why we need to reprioritise blood pressure control- challenges we face in reducing the proportion of patients with uncontrolled hypertension and some solutions that have been shown to be effective in the primary care setting.

Dr Yasmin Tan

A systematic, practical approach to managing the woman presenting with heavy menstrual bleeding- diagnosis-defining details in the history, to being able to explain the range of medical and surgical options currently available to treat this condition.

Expert/s: Dr Yasmin Tan
Prof Christine Jenkins

A comprehensive framework for health professionals assessing COPD patients- evidence-based approach to management, how to step-up treatment when needed, which may include inhaled corticosteroids.

Prof Creswell Eastman AO

Four formulations of thyroxine available - understand the differences and the practical implications. How to initiate thyroxine in the elderly, the newly pregnant woman and an otherwise healthy young adult

Prof Samuel Berkovic

There is a bi-directional association between epilepsy and mood disorders. What are the common triggers of a seizure?

Prof Nicholas Zwar

There are two aspects to address in the addiction - nicotine dependency and the more complex psychosocial environment

Dr Sarah Catford

GPs need to assess the patient's overall health status paying particular attention to lifestyle issues such as smoking, excessive alcohol use and CV risk factors.

Dr Kate McIlwaine

What makes a suitable candidate for ovarian egg freezing - The techniques, costs and technical details