
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Dr Prachi Brahmbhatt

The rates of remission and recovery after a single schizophrenic episode are good (~80%), but the rates decline with each subsequent episode.

Prof John Boyages AM

Being aware of the COVID-related issues among cancer patients allows health professionals to actively address concerns and barriers

Prof John Olynyk

Whom should you suspect and whom should we screen for this common condition?

Prof Rodney Sinclair

The causes of urticaria are multifactorial, such as viral infections, drugs, but most cases have no definite cause

Prof Stephen Duckett

Economic activity is down regardless because people voted with their feet and began to lockdown themselves

Vincent Carroll

Recognising and managing the non-motor symptoms is an increasingly difficult challenge

Prof Robert Norman

The main causes of infertility in Australia, and managing unexplained infertility.

Dr Stephanie Daly

Dementia presents with quite variable signs and mimics many other conditions

Prof Kristine Macartney

Listen to the booster update, introduction to the Novavax vaccine and the new Anti-viral therapies

Clinical A/Prof David Horgan

In this Healthed lecture, Clinical A/Prof David Horgan describes the screening and treatment for the commonest cause of death and injury under age 45 - suicide and attempted suicide.

Prof Helen O'Connell AO

In this Healthed lecture, Prof Helen O'Connell AO provides a framework for assessing men with lower urinary tract symptoms to help accurately diagnose the cause of these symptoms.

Prof Guy Marks

There are two schools of thought emerging with regard to the future of the pandemic and there is a great deal of tension between them

Expert/s: Prof Guy Marks