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Amy Loughman

What we eat affects our mental health, especially depression and this extends to prenatal diet

Expert/s: Amy Loughman
Prof Deborah Bateson

What causes bacterial vaginosis, and making the correct diagnosis

Dr Brynn Wainstein

Dr Wainstein will cover the definition, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis. The common causes and epidemiology of anaphylaxis and anaphylaxis related fatalities will be discussed.

Dr Darren Katz

Dr Katz, will provide general practitioners with information to support the diagnosis and management of benign prostatic enlargement.

Expert/s: Dr Darren Katz
Prof Kristine Macartney

Prof Macartney will explain the safety data on the use of COVID vaccines in pregnant and breastfeeding women. This data has been collected from around the world and how it will be applied in Australia will be explained.

Dr Elizabeth Farrell

The physiological changes in the urogenital area after breast cancer treatment

A/Prof Neale Cohen

Genetic factors make lifestyle changes less effective and some are at risk of a form of malignant, rapidly progressive T2DM in the setting of severe insulin resistance

Dr Eli Kotler

Are we on the brink of a huge paradigm shift in the way we think about mental health disorders and how we treat our patients?

Expert/s: Dr Eli Kotler
Prof John Boyages AM

The early signs and suggested conservative management of lymphoedema after breast cancer surgery

Prof Rodney Sinclair

Learn more about diagnosis and management of common fingernail and toenail conditions

Dr Sonia Davison

Advantages of transdermal menopausal therapy and the choice of transdermal oestrogen therapy - patches or gels?

A/Prof Rob Will

When it comes to looking for systemic inflammatory arthritis nothing beats a high index of suspicion, comprehensive systems review, and thorough physical examination