
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Dr Ashley Bloom

When to use pill camera to determine cause of gastro bleeds? We discuss finding the cause of iron deficiency: large bowel conditions, haemorroids, watermelon stomach and portal hypertensive gastropathy.

Prof Nicholas Zwar

Hepatitis A & B, high risk environments and vaccination. Travellers might be exposed to blood and blood products as a result of illness or injury. If short on time, the rapid course program is helpful but do not forget the fourth jab in a year and one dose confers little protection

Prof Deborah Bateson

The questions answered in this podcast are listed below. They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

Prof John Eden

The questions answered in this podcast are listed below.

Dr Anup Desai

If a person presents with high level of sleepiness or setting them for sleep apnea, driving needs to be considered

Expert/s: Dr Anup Desai
A/Prof Natasha Smallwood

The questions answered in this podcast are listed below. They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

A/Prof Ralph Audehm

The questions answered in this podcast are listed below. They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

Prof Peter Richmond

The incidence of meningitis in adolescents and young people

Prof Nicholas Zwar

We will need more than one consultation to cover the changed context of travel and vaccinations

Dr Brooke Harcourt

The differences between food allergies, food intolerance and fussy eating in toddlers and children

Dr Joe Dusseldorp

There is a revolution in digital technology in accessing and filtering medical specialties in neck and head cancers

A/Prof John Brannan

Asthma needs to be diagnosed effectively. Need objective evidence for the presence of asthma and if it suggests it’s something there’s opportunity to escalate investigation to tertiary care