
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Prof Samuel Berkovic

How is epilepsy diagnosed after one seizure and when is a patient at high risk of recurrent seizures?

Prof Paul Griffin

New advice on when to vaccinate after COVID infection

Prof Andrew Sindone

A practical framework for treating heart failure.

Dr Ali Safaa

The current guidelines and the role of the general practitioner.

Expert/s: Dr Ali Safaa
Prof Greg King

A practical approach to assessing a patient with chronic respiratory disease.

Expert/s: Prof Greg King
Dr Rupert Hinds

The symptoms and signs of CMPA in an infant and how to make the diagnosis through exclusion and rechallenge

Julia Kittscha

Caring for a patient with a stoma is challenging on many levels.

Expert/s: Julia Kittscha
Dr William Smith

There are some groups of patients at higher risk of needing a second dose.

Dr Rebecca Burgell

Getting the diagnosis AND the communication right, and useful herbal options and other treatments for IBS.

Prof Creswell Eastman AO

The critical importance of maintaining adequate iodine levels during pregnancy- the importance of assessing the thyroid function of ‘at risk’ women prior to pregnancy.

Dr Garth Kendall

Societal changes have transformed roles and at the same time increased stress and anxiety- we need to find ways to engage men and encourage them to seek healthcare more readily.

Dr Chris Blackwell

A stepped approach to managing the severely depressed patient with sleep disorder and suicidal thoughts.