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Prof Peter Wark

If needed, oral prednisone should still be used but do so judiciously and keep in mind that the risk of osteoporosis is directly linked to cumulative lifetime doses of oral steroid

Dr Anita Sharma

In the patient with newly diagnosed T2DM without micro or macrovascular complications, achieving good glycaemic control is important and this together with an eye to avoiding weight gain and hypoglycaemia will drive your choice of a second-line agent

Dr Joe Dusseldorp

The recommendation that we offer the opportunity for breast reconstruction to all women post breast cancer surgery

Dr Benjamin Tsang

Recurrent vertigo, recurrent spontaneous vertigo, imbalance ataxia and persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD)

Dr Rebecca Deans

The possible reasons we are seeing more requests for female genital cosmetic surgery and ‘normal’ vulvovaginal anatomy

Prof Merlin Thomas

CKD is a marker of poor prognosis and if present, we must work hard to prevent adverse outcomes… now is the time for SGLT2i, statins, ace inhibitors, and arbs

Prof Rodney Sinclair

Chronic dandruff can usually be managed by anti-dandruff shampoo and be sure to exclude underlying skin disorders

Expert Panel Facilitated by Dr Terri Foran, Panelist: Dr Sonia Davison, Prof Rod Baber, and Dr Sara Whitburn

‘Brains-trust’ in the management of menopause and will take you through the management of menopause looking to the past, present and future.

Dr Renee Eslick

How the significance of iron deficiency is often not appreciated by patients which is why a dietary approach is frequently unsuccessful.

A/Prof Nigel Crawford

Practical understanding of the risk-benefit considerations as well as an update on AZ clots and bleeds.

Prof John Newnham AM

Professor John Newnham will discuss the significance of recent research regarding the importance of maintaining pregnancies till 39 weeks will be counterpoised against a recent tendency towards elective early birth.

Dr Cindy Mak

Benefits of breast reconstruction after breast cancer surgery and the optimal timing for breast reconstruction after breast cancer treatment

Expert/s: Dr Cindy Mak