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A/Prof Neale Cohen

GLP1 agonists are a very important management option - GPs who have not yet used this class of medications should learn more and start

Dr Rachael Sharman

The importance of incorporating nature into a child’s environment as they grow

Dr Benjamin Tsang

Acute vestibular and acute transient vestibular syndromes and confirming the diagnosis of vestibular neuritis

Dr Jason Chow

The common causes of chronic pelvic pain and treatment of chronic pelvic pain

Expert/s: Dr Jason Chow
Prof Bruce Neal

Here's an opportunity for GP practices to reach out to patients so they can be involved in medical research

Prof Helen Marshall

Why there aren't many diseases that cause as much fear among both the general public and medical practitioners as meningitis

A/Prof Louise Hull

Endometriosis can be a challenging condition - not only for the affected woman but also for the primary care clinician trying to treat it

A/Prof Nicholas Wood

The recent outbreaks and clusters in Australia primarily due to the Delta variant.

Prof Peter McCluskey AO

Herpes zoster affecting the eye not only causes severe pain, but can be associated with significant long-term sequelae

Dr Talat Uppal

How to make the diagnosis of heavy menstrual bleeding and the recommended investigations for heavy menstrual bleeding

Expert/s: Dr Talat Uppal
Dr Richard Prince

Know your patient’s BMD; FRAX fracture risk calculator helps to refine risk

Prof Andrew Lloyd

Long COVID is a reality, but investigations rarely demonstrate significant structural damage