Endometriosis and infertility – Your questions answered

Expert/s: Dr Frank Quinn
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The questions answered in this podcast are listed below. They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

  1. When a specialist women’s health ultrasound says endometrioma is present, Is that 100% accurate or is a biopsy necessary to confirm the diagnosis?
  2. Is a general radiology centre adequate to comment on likely endometriosis, or do you need to send someone to a specialist gynaecological ultrasound?
  3. What is the difference between an ordinary ultrasound and deep infiltrating endometriosis ultrasounds and when should you consider?
  4. What’s the role of MRI in these cases?
  5. What if a woman has pelvic pain but has no clear diagnosis yet? Isn’t it better to try and find the endometriosis and manage it appropriately? Even if they’re not planning a pregnancy yet.
  6. What are the views on ovarian plasma rich protein injection for ovarian regeneration.
  7. What is the role of Zoladex in the management of endometriosis?
  8. Is there any association between endometriosis and ovarian cancer? Should health professionals be screening this group early?
  9. What percentage of women with diagnosed endometriosis will go on to conceive naturally?
  10. Should we routinely offer endometriosis workup in women with infertility issues, but no symptoms of endometriosis? So, no dysmenorrhea, no pelvic pain, no dyspareunia?
  11. Is it better that a teenager with suspected endometriosis be referred early for investigation of possible treatment or manage symptomatically until she wants to conceive?
  12. Does ovarian reserves decrease if you’re exercising endometriosis, but not exercising endometriosis from the ovary?
  13. I have a 15 year old patient with diagnosed severe endometriosis. When should we be offering her egg cryopreservation?
  14. Women who’ve had IUI with FSH injections, is there an increased multiple pregnancy rate?


Host: Dr Terri Foran, Sexual Health Physician

Guests: Dr Frank Quinn, Fertility Specialist & Reproductive Endocrinologist

Total time: 23 mins


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Last Updated: 27 Oct, 2023

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Dr Frank Quinn


Dr Frank Quinn

Fertility specialist and reproductive endocrinologist; Medical Director, IVF Australia

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