Environmental toxicants: Impact on health and fertility, and how to reduce exposure – Your questions answered

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The questions answered in this podcast are listed below.
They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

  1. What are the major classes of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) that we are exposed to now in our everyday lives?
  2. What are the major routes of ingestion in terms of how they enter our bodies?
  3. You mentioned hormonal effects and obesity. What are some of the main effects in which these chemicals do impact our health and our bodies?
  4. How do these EDCs impact reproductive function and fertility?
  5. How can we assess people’s exposure? Is there a way we can test? And are there resources available for patients to start to consider their past exposure?
  6. If you’re seeing patients with reduced fertility, is this something that you would now ask about and screen for test?
  7. If you were to test and find that someone had high levels of these environmental toxicants in their system, is there a way that they can try to eliminate them from their bodies?
  8. What are some tips that we can use in our everyday lives, but we can also pass on to our patients to try and minimise our exposure?
  9. Would using water jugs that have a filter be a useful and effective way of trying to reduce exposure to these sorts of chemicals?
  10. Washing fruit and vegetables, is there any added value by giving them a rinse with some soap before consuming them?
  11. What about other chemicals in the home, like air fresheners or pesticides? How should we treat them in terms of precautions to reduce our ingestion?
  12. Do you give your patients any resources to help them look at their exposure and reduce their exposure?


Expert: A/Prof Mark Green, Reproductive Biologist

Host: Dr Rebecca Overton, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 23 mins


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Last Updated: 16 Jan, 2025

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Multiple sclerosis vs antibody disease

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Peripheral arterial disease