Fatty liver disease

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In this episode:

  • Healthcare professionals are pivotal in assessing the risk of patients having metabolic associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) and its link with metabolic disease progression
  • What indicators to look out for, given fatty liver can occur in the absence of raised transaminases
  • The importance of using calculators like the Fib4, when to ask a patient to have a fibrous scan, interpretation of results and when to refer to a specialist
  • Consensus guidelines on MAFLD expected later in 2024, and what learning courses to consider


Expert: Prof Simone Strasser, Hepatologist

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 25 mins


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Last Updated: 15 Oct, 2024

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Prof Simone Strasser


Prof Simone Strasser

Hepatologist; Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; President of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia

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Menopause and MHT

Multiple sclerosis vs antibody disease

Using SGLT2 to reduce cardiovascular death in T2D

Peripheral arterial disease