Scaly erythematous plaque

Expert/s: Dr Philip Tong
   Rated 5 / 5 stars


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Listen to the episode


In this episode:

  • In clinical examinations, it’s essential to incorporate all senses, including the sense of touch
  • Don’t hesitate to consider liquid nitrogen cryotherapy for appropriate patients with suitable lesions
  • For lesions or conditions that do not heal as expected, consider performing a biopsy to ensure accurate diagnosis
  • Topical therapies can be valuable in managing both pre-cancerous lesions and certain skin cancers


Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 28 mins

Expert: Dr Philip Tong, Dermatologist


Recommended Resource:

  • DermAssist by Dermscreen –
    DermAssist was created to improve access to specialist dermatologist opinion given the increasing burden of skin diseases including skin cancers in Australia. With the technology-enabled solution, DermScreen dermatologists provide quick clinical opinions on suspicious skin lesions or rashes to the referring clinician.


Test your knowledge: Clinical Quick Quiz


Last Updated: 1 Nov, 2024

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Dr Philip Tong


Dr Philip Tong

Consultant Dermatologist and Medical Director at Dermatology Junction and DermScreen; Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists

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