Semaglutide: Which dose for which patient Part 1: Your questions answered

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The questions answered in this podcast are listed below.
They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

  1. Can you start on Ozempic and up titrate to 1 milligram and then switch to Wegovy if one milligram is not enough OR is the goal to up titrate to 2.4 as it is the most effective dose, so prescribing Wegovy instead?
  2. How you can switch between Ozempic to Wegovy?
  3. How about switching from semaglutide to tirzepatide, and liraglutide and saxenda?
  4. How quickly will you increase the dose and what dose do we aim for?
  5. What are your thoughts on patients that are responding to lower doses but are being prescribed a higher dose pen and trying to micro dose with a larger pen.
  6. How long do you keep the patients on semaglutide and when do you stop?
  7. When do you even think about the intermittent use of such an agent?
  8. Can semaglutide be given for life?
  9. Can the medication be given fortnightly instead of weekly?
  10. Patients that want to re-start, will they restart at the dose they stopped at or at a lower dose?
  11. Is there a BMI target for patients with T2D?
  12. Position statement on T2D remission: When are they going to update and add in the GLP ones?
  13. Do we use the same dose or higher doses of Wegovy for adolescence?
  14. What do you think about the use of semaglutide for an adolescent with autism or an adolescent using an anti-psychotic medication such as Clozapine who needs to take it on an ongoing basis?
  15. Has the use of semaglutide increased the incidence of restrictive eating disorders?
  16. Any indication for use in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome?


Expert: A/Prof Ralph Audehm, General Practitioner

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 28 mins


Last Updated: 3 Dec, 2024

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A/Prof Ralph Audehm


A/Prof Ralph Audehm

General Practitioner; Carlton Family Medical, Melbourne; Clinical Associate Professor, University of Melbourne, Department of General Practice

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