The Mpox emergency: Your questions answered

Expert/s: Prof Jason Ong
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The questions answered in this podcast are listed below.
They were compiled by GPs and health professionals around Australia.

  1. Is there still a role for hepatitis B and C screening?
  2. Are hepatitis B and C no longer considered sexually transmitted infections, especially in men who have sex with men?
  3. How regularly should hepatitis B and C screenings be performed?
  4. Is syphilis serology positive at the time of primary ulcers?
  5. What are the cardiovascular risks for patients with HIV, and how does the use of statins fit into this? Would you consider using statins based on HDL levels, or would you only prescribe them for high LDL levels?
  6. What are the options when patients with resistant Mycoplasma genitalium have not responded to multiple treatments?
  7. What is the primary mode of transmission in human outbreaks of Mycoplasma genitalium?
  8. What are the different strains of Mpox that have emerged over the years? What are the key differences between strain 1B and 2B in terms of virulence, treatment, and symptoms?
  9. How many cases of Mpox have been reported in Australia to date?
  10. What is the incubation period for Mpox?
  11. Which age groups in Australia have seen the highest number of Mpox cases?
  12. What is the fatality rate for Mpox in Australia?
  13. Given the current epidemic, has Mpox been declared a public health emergency
  14. What advice would you give if you suspected a patient has Mpox?
  15. Who should be receiving the Mpox vaccine at this time?
  16. There’s been some misinformation on social media about the WHO imposing mega lockdowns due to Mpox. Could you clarify and debunk this?
  17. What services are currently available to healthcare professionals that we as GPs may not be aware of?
  18. Just to clarify: Central and West African regions have historically been endemic for Mpox?


Expert: Prof Jason Ong, Sexual Health Physician

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 25 mins


Last Updated: 10 Dec, 2024

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Prof Jason Ong


Prof Jason Ong

Sexual Health Physician; Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC), Head of HIV/STI Economics and Health Preference Research (MSHC), Professor; Monash University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, The University of Melbourne, NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow

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Peripheral arterial disease