
Exclusive video content developed by the Healthed educational team featuring engaging presentations, interviews and advice from expert speakers.

Dr Christopher Worsnop

In this Product Explainer, Dr Christopher Worsnop, Respiratory and Sleep Physician explains how to use a mometasone/indacaterol combination preventer inhaler, as well as when and to whom to prescribe to in the maintenance treatment of moderate to severe asthma (5 mins).

Prof Andrew Sindone

In this Product Explainer, Prof Andrew Sindone, Cardiologist and Director of the Heart Failure Unit at the Concord Hospital explains the cardiovascular advantages of a high-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine for active immunisation for the prevention of influenza disease indicated for use in persons 60 years of age and older (5 mins).

Prof Peter Richmond

In this Product Explainer, Paediatrician and Paediatric Immunologist A/Prof Peter Richmond explains which patients are most at risk for meningococcal B, the risk reduction benefits of meningococcal B vaccination and why it is important to have conversations with parents in which the risk/benefits of vaccination are clearly explained (5 mins).

Prof Rod Baber

In this Product Explainer, Prof Rod Baber, Gynaecologist and Head of the Menopause and Menstrual Disorders Clinic at the Royal North Shore Hospital explains the role of estradiol and dydrogesterone post menopausal hormone therapy for women during menopause transition, as well as why and when to use it (6 mins).

Expert/s: Prof Rod Baber
Prof Tony Cunningham AO

In this Product Explainer, Prof Tony Cunningham AO will provide an update on the recombinant (ie non-live) Herpes Zoster vaccine including a practical explanation of which patients satisfy the “immunocompromised” criteria (7 mins).

A/Prof Ajeet Singh

In this Product Explainer, A/Prof Ajeet Singh, Psychiatrist at The Geelong Clinic explains the role of the antidepressant agomelatine in the treatment of depression and helping to prevent depression returning (5 mins).

A/Prof John Litt AM

In this Product Explainer, A/Prof John Litt AM, Public Health Physician explains the differences between the “traditional” egg-based influenza vaccines and the potential advantages of the first cell culture based influenza vaccine available in Australia (5 mins).

Prof Christine Jenkins

In this Product Explainer, Prof Christine Jenkins, Head of the Respiratory Group at The George Institute for Global Health; and Senior Staff Specialist in Thoracic Medicine at Concord Hospital explains the role of a triple-therapy combination, pressurised meter dose inhaler for adults with moderate to very severe COPD. (4 mins).

Dr Christopher Worsnop

How to approach patients who still have asthma symptoms despite treatment. It is not an uncommon scenario. The asthma patient presents, still complaining of shortness of breath, wheeze or cough despite having been prescribed the textbook asthma treatments.

Dr Jessica Tattersall

Diagnosing and optimally treating allergic rhinitis can make a significant difference to a sufferer's life. Chronic allergic rhinitis is a common condition that can dramatically affect a person's quality of life.

Dr Patrick Coleman

Iron studies are easily ordered but their results are not necessarily easily understood. In this presentation, Dr Patrick Coleman will guide clinicians through the various components reported on in iron studies and the implications when results are outside the normal range. Various cases will be presented that will demonstrate how iron studies can be useful in determining appropriate clinical practice.

Expert Panel Facilitated by Dr Terri Foran, Panelist: Dr Sonia Davison, Prof Rod Baber, and Dr Sara Whitburn

The panel will attempt to provide a practical approach to treatment based on current available evidence but will also bring their own considerable personal and professional experience to the discussion.

Dr Terri Foran

This educational activity will discuss the implications of the Lancet article for menopause management in Australia within the broader context of the risks and benefits of menopausal hormone therapy generally.

Expert/s: Dr Terri Foran
Prof Hubertus Jersmann

In this Product Explainer, Prof Hubertus Jersmann, Respiratory and Sleep Physician at the Royal Adelaide Hospital explains how to prepare and use a reusable soft mist inhaler (5 mins).

Dr Christopher Worsnop

In this Product Explainer, Dr Christopher Worsnop, Respiratory and Sleep Physician at the Austin Hospital, Melbourne explains how to use a triple-therapy combination preventer inhaler, as well as when and to whom to prescribe to in the maintenance treatment of asthma (5 mins).

Prof Robert Booy

Prof Robert Booy (Professor in Paediatrics, Vaccinology, Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, University of Sydney) shares a community service announcement for healthcare professionals on vaccination for pertussis.

Prof Andrew Sindone

In this Product Explainer, Prof Andrew Sindone, cardiologist at Concord and Ryde Hospitals in Sydney, explains the role of rivaroxaban in anticoagulation and when and to whom it can be prescribed (5 mins).

Dr Debra Kennedy

In this Product Explainer, Dr Debra Kennedy, Clinical Geneticist and Paediatrician and Director of MotherSafe at Royal Hospital for Women, explains the importance of pregnancy planning and the role of nutrition and vitamin supplementation (4 mins).